Scoop stretcher

A scoop stretcher is a stretcher used to transport sick and wounded patients. It consists of two aluminum alloy plates. The shovel stretcher can insert two boards under the patient's body, buckle them and lift them up. The design of the scoop stretcher can minimize secondary injuries to the sick and injured during transportation. Usage The use of a shovel stretcher is as follows: Lay the casualty flat on the ground. Insert the two plates of the scoop stretcher into both sides of the patient's body, ensuring that the plates are close to the patient's body. Fasten the two plates and adjust the fastening position to ensure that the patient will not move. Two rescuers lifted the stretcher and transported the injured to a safe location. Precautions When using a scoop stretcher, you should pay attention to the following: Make sure the patient's body is in close contact with the stretcher to reduce secondary injuries. Adjust the buckle position to ensure that the patient cannot move. Two rescuers lifted the stretcher and kept it steady. Applications Scoop stretchers are suitable for the following occasions: medical rescue Outdoor activities Disaster relief advantage Advantages of a scoop stretcher include: Simple structure and easy to use Can minimize secondary injuries to the sick and wounded Suitable for various occasions shortcoming Disadvantages of a scoop stretcher include: Can only be used to transport lightly injured patients The moving process requires two rescuers Overall, the scoop stretcher is a convenient and practical stretcher suitable for various occasions.
